Tuesday 11 September 2012

Day 2 -- 9/11/12

So weird still, 11 years later, to type that date. Impossible not to see it and think of anything else but 9/11. I'll always, always remember, like so many others around the country and world. Definitely a melancholy feel to this day. Maybe a good day, too though, for a new beginning and a start to my little baby blog. So here's what I'm looking at today.

SW: 152
CW: 144
GW#1: 135
GW#2: 130-135

Planned exercise: 8k run + Level 1 workout, JM 30-Day Shred

What I'm Eating:
Nutty, whole grain toast for breakfast (YUM!): 220 cals
Light butter: 60 cals
Light popcorn: 260 cals
Large salad for lunch (full bowl of spinach, carrots, mushrooms, cucumber & tomatoes): Free
Light dressing: 45 cals
Egg whites: 34 cals
Apple: Free
Carrot sticks: Free
Protein smoothie: 180 (protein powder and 100% orange juice; mangoes and strawberries = free)
Kale chips: 50 cals

Target: 800 cals
Total: 849 cals
Over: +49 cals

(On the SGD, fruits and vegetables don't count toward daily calorie target.)

How I'm feeling: Awesome. Had a GREAT run home last night. Possibly one of the best I've had since starting this whole thing a month ago. Went to try on a jacket at Patagonia and discovered that the S is too big, especially in the arms and chest. Had to go with an XS, which is CRAZY. According to reviews online though, the jacket runs big and almost everyone had to order a size down, so shouldn't be as excited. Am, however, wearing a size 6 pair of jeans today. I have the same pair in an 8 and when I got down to 142 late last summer, the 8 was a bit big. When they went on sale, I ordered the same pair in a size 6, but never got a chance to wear them. Put them on this morning and they look really good. So I've been strutting around in them all day, feeling quite skinny and happy with myself. Looking forward to a run home, smoothie for dinner, dog walk and a little Shredding. Can't wait to see what number the scale brings me tomorrow!

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